
Dear beautiful people,
we are a spiritual community and seminarhouse near Witzenhausen where 70 people live, either alone, in cohabitations, as a couple or within a family. The concept of Parimal is an open community based on meditation and mindfulness in order to encourage a new way of living. Our community consists of 3 seminar rooms,
65 guest beds, a vegetarian kitchen, a café and wonderful natural gardens embedded in a silent and romantic hilly landscape.
The spirit of Parimal is greatly enlivened and enhanced by the participation of our volunteers. Our volunteers play a very important part in our community.
As a volunteer you are offered board and lodging and the participation in daily meditations in exchange for 4 working hours a day, 6 days a week. During this time you can easily test and develop yourself, you can join the community and the daily meditations, but there is also room to be alone with yourself. As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to meet with community members during breakfast and lunch each day.
The main part of the 4 hour work day will be filled with daily tasks such as house cleaning. Depending on the work load of our seminar house the work can also differ (gardening, cooking...). We ask that you come and be part of our volunteer program for at least 30 days in order to get a better insight into our community. The first week can serve as a trial period where the participant can get to know us and we get to know the participant. The maximum duration of the volunteer program is 2 months.
We are looking for enthusiastic people that really want to share the best of themselves and are willing to perform their actions with love. As a volunteer you should be well grounded both physically and mentally as the energy here can be quite strong. We feel obligated to say that your initial stay with us will be temporary. In order to stay in Parimal for a longer period of time and to become part of our community there is a specific process required for all who wish to join. This involves a period of integration and a final consent by the community. For a person who does not wish to become a full time member of our community, they are more than welcome to come to visit us for a shorter period of time at a later date.
What you can learn from that place
Self-discovery: During your time at Parimal you will come into contact with many people and many different personalities. At times you could feel unconditional love, silence, ecstasy, joie de vivre or being one with the existence. During your time with us you may have intense experiences which can lead to positive changes in consciousness.
Meditation: The meditations we offer can make you more receptive and open to love and innocence. Meditation can be a powerful medicine for the recovery of the body and soul. Meditation can help gain distance from your emotions and to be in the here and now. Through meditation a person can develop a sense of devotion and can also serve as a preparation for one´s final journey. You may want to consider meditation as a luxurious way to observe your thoughts, your body and emotions and to achieve a better sense of relaxation within yourself.
Social life: Als Resultat beginnst Du Deine eigene Rolle zum Beispiel in Konfliktsituationen zu akzeptieren und auszudrücken. Du wirst befähigt, in einen achtsamen, kraftvollen und respektvollen Kontakt auf Augenhöhe zu gehen. Intimität und Kontakt schaffen Deine Präsenz und Sichtbarkeit. Dies lässt Deine Energie und Liebe fließen.
Der Platz
Parimal can offer a wide range of different spaces both from the quiet places in our green garden area to convivial spaces such as the café in our courtyard. Weekend community members as well as seminar guests can meet in the café and have inspiring conversations, making music or organizing a disco. Every morning a small group which is open to everyone meets for singing spiritual songs or mantras for half an hour in the Mandir, our beautiful meditation room. Daily meditations such as dynamic, kundalini and occasional satsangs take place in a protected space. The Mandir can also be used as a place for retreat or silence. Apart from that Parimal offers a small library of Osho books and an internet space. Many of our meditations and musical evenings are open to and are enjoyed by the general public who appreciate the different scope of opportunities offered here.
The open minded nature of our community creates a friendly atmosphere that is especially attractive to seminar groups that are focused on body therapy, creativity and inner growth. Musical concerts, biannual festivals as well as our meditation retreats are all open to the general public. Parimal was founded in 1987 and the seminar house was developed in 1984. Thus the seminar house offers workplaces and supports the further expansion of the residential spaces in the community. Regular get-to-know-weekends help to establish contact between community members and guests.
Volunteers are housed in dormitory style accommodations, six people to a room and are provided with towels, bed linens, blankets and pillows or in a tent in the summertime. Washing machine is available.
Food is as follows: On weekends and meditation festivals professional cooks are hired to cook delicious food, for everybody including volunteers. During the week breakfast is provided by the community. Lunch and dinner is prepared either by members of the community or and with the help of ours volunteers.
How to become a volunteer at Parimal
We are glad if you are interested in our volunteer program. If you would like to get us know better in advance we suggest you to come to one of our get-to-know-weekends (Kennlernwochenende) where you will have the opportunity to meet and talk to us face to face. If this is not possible you are welcome to send us a written application preferably by email including your picture and the exact dates you would like to be here.
Hope to see you soon around our little paradise.